Annual Conference Refereed Proceedings 2009
Beyond the Screen
Wednesday 8 July 2009 - Friday 10 July 2009
Flinders University, University of South Australia – Adelaide, Australia
Applying creativity theories to a documentary filmmaker’s practice
Susan Kerrigan
University of Newcastle
The generally accepted definition for a documentary is ‘the creative treatment of actuality’ (Grierson, 1933, p. 8). Documentary scholars have rigorously discussed and dissected, the meaning that Grierson may have intended for this phrase, (Corner, 1996; Higson, 1995; Montagu, 1964; Winston, 1995). While the terms ‘treatment’ and ‘actuality’ have been debated and defined, interpretations of creativity that cite psychological and socio-cultural creativity research (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996; Sawyer, 2006; Sternberg, 1988, 1999) do not appear in the literature to date.
The Anonymous Actor – Ethics and Screen Production Research
Leo Berkeley
RMIT University
All research in Australian universities involving human participants needs approval from human research ethics committees, who make judgments consistent with accepted ethical principles that have recently been captured in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007). Making a film as an academic research project is a relatively recent phenomenon and there are apparent contradictions between the requirements for ethics approval and the accepted practice of screen production.
Creative practice as a research tool: benefits and pitfalls
George Karpathakis
Edith Cowan University
In this paper I examine how my creative practice as a filmmaker prepared me for academia. I argue that the rigors of filmmaking are transferable to other disciplines.